Wellness Services for Your Organization

As employees adjust to returning to the workplace it is imperative to prioritize employee wellbeing and engagement.

  • Wellness Consulting

    Comprehensive Wellness Strategy for Organizations. Assess Current Wellness Offerings. Identify Gaps to Leading Organizations. Develop a Roadmap catered to each organization's needs. Implement new Wellness initiatives prioritizing quick wins to maximize employee engagement

  • Wellness Presentations

    Customized Wellness Presentations geared for small teams on topics related to: Adjusting to Return to the Workplace, Managing Workplace Stress, Zoom Fatigue, Establishing New Routines, Healthy Tips for Work Travel, and more..!

  • Executive Coaching

    Work 1:1 with Executives on their individual health concerns and goals. Provide in person and virtual coaching sessions.

  • Leadership Training

    Customized training on leading engaging teams, identify burnout in employees, provide supportive leadership, incorporate wellness at work strategies. Half Day and Full Day sessions.

Corporate Inquiries

Interested in working together? Send me a note with your availability, I will follow up to confirm a time for us to discuss the right wellness options for your organization.